Okay here's the straight and skinny: most online business owners crash their own carts by doing things that self-destruct the progress they have made with their business. Here's five things you should never do:
1) Advertise a product simply because its popular. If you are doing niche marketing, this technique is particularly disastrous. Remember your competition? Chances are they have already seized on the product you are trying to promote and sent it to their entire list from day one and got people to look at it. Even if the person decides to buy, the sale will likely go to the first person who got them to the product page --- which is your competition because their cookie is on the person's computer. So you've spent a lot of time advertising for nothing. Try not-so popular products which still have a pull with your audience and stay in contact with your customers so they see it first from you.
2) Sending prospects straight to the product page. Yeah we've all been guilty of this one. Use a squeeze page, please? This person will probably be one of your best customers for life -- if you capture the email from the beginning and use relationship marketing with them. Don't give this precious resource away.
3) Use a crappy auto responder or email response software. This can cost you big time. The answer to this one is a no brainer. Tons of folks have had success with Aweber so why use anything else? Your auto responser is your life line to your list so make it good.
4) Put off blogging until you've got something good to write about. Are you insane? Your readers crave your writing and the more of it you do, the more they will come back. Post about the cat, neighbor down the street, what happened to you yesterday or borrow a headline from something you've seen online and use your creativity to write a post. You don't always need the perfect article and writing more often gives your readers the content they crave.
5) Run your business without a plan or goals to shoot for. Instant business suicide. You will find it hard to focus and get burned out quickly because you will be doing too many of the wrong things. Take time and organize. Make your self a road map and know where you are going. Build a client/customer base because you know what you're going to give them and they know you are going to be there for the long haul.
Got more tips? Is there something you've done that you wish you could pass on to the next home business owner so they don't make the same mistake? If so, leave a comment. We can all help each other and it's a big world out there on the internet. Here's to getting past the stupid mistakes and learning to do it right in 2010!
E, king of nye
P.S. A little jewel I found on You Tube (say thanks fellow gamers). If you do make a mistake, make sure it's not as big as this one!