Monday, May 10, 2010

Can Writing a Home Business Blog Be For You?

Writing a blog is a commitment of time, energy and resources. A lot of people often fail at writing a blog because they cannot keep up with the progression of skills it takes to be successful at it. Can writing a home business blog be for you? Lets look at some aspects of blogging and how you can make it work for you -  even with no time to write.

A blog needs ideas and innovations people are interested in. As a home business blog writer your job should be writing about information and solutions your customers want. So what might that be? Writing about your expertise in solving their problems and the best aspects of your business they can use would make very interesting topics. Product reviews of products they might consider purchasing are also interesting. A blog should also be interactive - good two way conversation between readers and the editor is great as is contributions from your audience and responses to items such as surveys and polls.

No time to write? That's not always a bad thing. It may be that blogging is something you may opt not to do, choosing to do other parts of your business model to make up for not having a blog. An item I've started to find useful is blog post scheduling. You don't have to post an item you write right away - you can choose to write about it sometime during the week and add topics by choosing during the week when you will write. Or, if you are really pressed for time, you can always hire the writing of the blog out to someone else. Scheduling also allows you to polish up your article and edit before putting up a post.

When you do use blog post scheduling, be sure to leave time to research topics you want to write on. Also linking up to social networking sites you are a member of is a good idea. When researching, look at what topics other bloggers or readers have written on (you can do this at other blogs or forums) and make comments on what you read. The comments should, of course, be linked back to your own blog. Refer occasionally to any articles or posts that might be interesting to your own readers. They will thank you for going the extra mile to find the info for them.

Now about the problem of time to write - places like Elance often have writers hungry for writing assignments. You can pay by the post and often supplement your own posts with that of a guest poster from time to time. You can also repost articles from places like Ezinearticles if you see content that fits your audience.

Is home business blog writing for you? Only you can choose to put the time and effort into making your blog a great place for your readers. The dividends can be great and it can generate some extra attention for your business.

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